Protecting your innovative startup’s intellectual property (IP) is about more than just registering a trademark, filing a patent or hiring a lawyer. A well-developed IP strategy is a competitive edge.

Having the right IP strategy in place can help your business create a product that competitors can’t offer or copy, be more attractive to investors​, and prepare to compete in an international, global marketplace.

AccelerateIP, offered in BC, Yukon, and Northwest Territories, now provides enhanced access to education, skills development, and financial support for protecting, managing and leveraging your intellectual property.

Program overview 

AccelerateIP will support hundreds of innovative startups across multiple sectors to grow and protect their ideas and intellectual assets. 

New Ventures BC is leading the delivery of the program, with Innovate BC as its prime collaborator, alongside a network of accelerators, incubators and tech organizations.

This initiative is a recipient of the ElevateIP program by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED). The program will run until March 31, 2026.

Version Française




Program Guidelines

Please note all program guidelines may be subject to change.

Visit AccelerateIP website